McKenzie megafire: corporate clearcut tree farms burned fast

Clearcuts Cause
Climate Change


Selective Forestry demonstration sites
in the Pacific Northwest: an incomplete list

When permaculture co-originator David Holmgren made his first, and probably last, trip to the US in 2005, he included Eugene as a stop on his tour. He said then that while it was important to protect the last original forests, it was also important to demonstrate what we want with "forestry" instead of the industrial paradigm, and it was disappointing most environmental groups did not seem interested in that.


Center for Rural Livelihoods, Cottage Grove, OR

formerly Aprovecho Research Center

a short video / slideshow with Aprovecho forester Matt Hall


Orville Camp, Selma, OR


ForestCare, Lorane, OR

200 acres managed by Curt Mitchell from 1975 - 2001
350k board feet at the start
418k board feet removed in seven thinnings
1,400k board feet when the property was sold


Forest Stewards Guild

National effort to teach better forestry practices.


Hyla Woods - Peter Hayes


Morning Hill Forest Farm, near John Day, OR


Oregon Woodland Cooperative

"Over 75 family forest owners in Oregon offer you natural and handmade products ... We strive to manage our forests sustainably so they will provide not just the products we sell, but also clean water, wildlife habitat and healthy soils, now and into the future."


Shady Creek Forest Services, Walton, OR

Jason Gonzales of Shady Creek used to work for Oregon Wild, until their 2020 deal with big timber to embrace continued aerial spraying of herbicides.


Wildwood Ecoforest – The Land Conservancy of BC‎


Zena Forest, near Salem, OR

Selective management of native hardwoods, including Oregon White Oak and Western Bigleaf Maple.